This summarized biography gives a brief overview that can be used for presentations and introductions.
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David E. Drew holds the Joseph B. Platt Chair in the Management of Technology. His principal appointment is in the School of Educational Studies, where his teaching focuses on quantitative research methods, statistical techniques, and data analytics. For ten years Mr. Drew served as dean of the School of Educational Studies.
Prior to joining the CGU faculty, he held senior research positions at the Rand Corporation, the National Research Council, and the American Council on Education. Earlier he held a research faculty position at Harvard University, from which he received his PhD, and served as head applications programmer at the Harvard Computing Center.
He is the author of more than 200 publications, including 10 books, about a) the improvement of mathematics and science instruction at all levels of education, b) the development and evaluation of effective undergraduate programs, c) building strong university research programs, and d) health education.
These publications include, for example, a book reporting an evaluation he directed of a two billion dollar (inflation adjusted) National Science Foundation program, a Rand report for the White House about Federal funding of biomedical research, and a book about how to increase research productivity in the nation’s universities.
His book, STEM the Tide: Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education in America, provides a positive blueprint for strengthening America’s schools, colleges, and universities.
Not long ago, the National University of Singapore celebrated its 100 year anniversary and hosted an international conference about education and globalization. Mr. Drew was invited to give the keynote speech.